It’s important to accept your partner as they are. But it’s also important to decide what your deal breakers are in a relationship.
Acceptance in Relationships
Acceptance creates connection with ourselves, the world, and our partners. It means freeing oneself from suffering. It allows things to just be. Acceptance is important in relationships. It doesn’t mean liking, approving, or giving up. It means allowing the person to be who they are. Of course, you can ask for what you need and want. Of course, you can communicate and compromise for each other. But at the end of the day, we need to accept a person for who they are and stop trying to change them. If we are unhappy and unable to accept certain things we have the power and choice to leave, even though I understand this can be very difficult. But we do have the choice to set boundaries. What’s more important though is to feel seen and heard and accepted in relationships.

Boundaries in Relationships
Does standing up for yourself feel threatening to you? Do you fear it will damage your connection with someone you care about permanently? Healthy boundaries can be a safe space where conflicts can happen and the relationship can survive. For some, conflict means the end of a relationship. If in your childhood you were the victim of or witnessed emotional or physical violence, even the slightest raised voice may frighten your inner child, activating that same freeze-in-terror feeling that you felt back then. Childhood trauma stays with you. As a result, you may do anything to keep the calm and keep the connection in the relationship, but in this process, you may lose yourself. That’s the price for keeping the peace. Conflict is inevitable in relationships. And it doesn’t mean you will be left, rejected or hurt if you disagree. Your partner may just learn how to love you better. You may feel better about being more authentic and speaking your truth. However, If you are abandoned and rejected as a result of stating your needs, wishes, hopes and dreams, that’s also telling you about the quality of the relationship. Be your own person with needs and wants and opinions, even when it’s hard. Trust me, people want to connect with YOU.
Acceptance and Boundaries in Relationships
Everyone wants to feel accepted for who they are. But does acceptance mean being okay with everything? It’s important to accept your partner fully. When we are accepted for who we are, the best version of us comes out. But in a relationship, and in dating, it’s also important to understand what you are accepting. What’s the difference between acceptance and settling for someone? What are the most important characteristics that your partner must possess or else you won’t be happy? What are your wants and what are your needs? There’s a difference between our needs and wants. Needs are non negotiable. Wants are added bonuses. How do you know when to leave the relationship and when to stay? How do you know what problems or “flaws” can be accepted and which ones can’t be tolerated? When we choose a partner, we also choose their problems. No one is perfect. We are all flawed. But which problems are you willing to put up with? Answering these questions can help you with practicing acceptance and setting boundaries in relationships.