Your wounds don’t have to become your identity. They can, however, be the wisdom you need to grow and transform.
Childhood Trauma
Experiencing trauma is life changing. How have the experiences of your past changed you? How are you different now? Your past doesn’t have to define you. It doesn’t need to become your new identity. You are not what happened to you, you are the person who can observe those experiences and grow from them. While you didn’t ask for bad things to happen to you, and while it’s okay to feel grief, sadness, and any other negative emotions, please believe that there’s something better out there waiting for you. Everything we want to experience in life, such as joy, love, and freedom, could never exist without their opposites. There’s no rainbow without rain and you can’t see the stars unless it’s dark. Our negativity about negative feelings in reaction to these events can destabilize us, make us feel stuck, make us feel differently about ourselves. You know you have healed when the past is neutral. It’s just an experience you had. It doesn’t direct your life. It no longer defines you. You are not reactive to any triggers reminding you of the past. You are free and you have taken valuable lessons from the past and directed them towards your growth.