Your anxious mind will tell you lies. Not to hurt you, but to protect you. Treat it as a well meaning, friend.
Anxiety and Self- Preservation
Self-preservation is one of the most basic and important functions of the nervous system. It’s a deep-rooted, compulsive instinct present in just about every living thing, and we are no different. We all carry this instinct with us: an emotional alarm system designed to protect us from harm. However, sometimes our alarm system can misfire and turn into anxiety. When you feel anxious, ask yourself these questions:
- Is the harm real or imagined?
- Is it based on past hurt?
- Is it helping us or hurting me now?
Your instincts, those feelings, they aren’t wrong, they’ve just been taught to alert you to things that you may not need to be afraid of anymore. When we get upset about being anxious, anxiety only increases. What would happen if you accepted this anxiety and instead looked at it with curiosity and compassion? Look deep inside yourself and ask yourself what this anxiety is protecting you from.