Betrayal trauma is a type of psychological distress caused by betrayal from a trusted source. It can be experienced in any kind of relationship, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial, and can lead to feelings of betrayal and trust issues in future relationships.

Betrayal trauma can have long-lasting effects on one’s mental health and self-esteem, but there are ways to practice self-healing so you can move forward.
In fact, statistics reveal that: betrayal and betrayal trauma are experienced by a majority of people at least once in their lifetime. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, In terms of the frequency of specific trauma types by level of betrayal, 58% had experienced at least one low betrayal trauma, 65% had experienced at least one moderate betrayal trauma, and 47% of the participants had experienced at least one high betrayal trauma.18 Jan 2016 *
If you’ve experienced betrayal trauma, take comfort in the fact that there are ways to heal and move forward. Read on to discover four simple steps for recovery.
The first step to healing is self-reflection. Take some time to process your thoughts and feelings about the betrayal.
Identifying your feelings will help you understand how betrayal has affected your life. It is also important to acknowledge that betrayal can happen even if one party is not intentionally trying to be malicious or hurtful – betrayal can sometimes just be a miscommunication or misunderstanding between two people.
A great way to practice self-reflection is through journaling. Journaling is proven to have the following health benefits:
- Improved emotional regulation
- Increased self-awareness
- Reduction in stress and anxiety
- Improved relationship with the self
In fact, statistics reveal that people who journal can feel better emotionally and psychologically. By journaling, you can process betrayal trauma in a safe and healthy manner while better understanding what occurred and the impact betrayal has had.
Here are some journaling prompts to help you process relationship betrayal:
? What betrayal have I experienced?
? How did the betrayal make me feel?
? Where do I feel these negative feelings in my body?
? Does this betrayal remind me of anything else I have experienced before?
? In what ways has betrayal impacted my life and relationships?
? How can I learn from this experience?
Practicing self-care is also important when it comes to betrayal trauma recovery. Self-care can include activities that are both calming and rewarding, such as taking a hot bath or reading a book, getting enough sleep, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.
Additionally, engaging in physical activity is proven to increase the production of endorphins, which are hormones responsible for making us feel good and helping us cope with stress and anxiety.
It is tempting to blame yourself for the betrayal which is why it’s important to practice empathy towards yourself by speaking kindly to yourself and giving yourself grace when things don’t go as planned.
It is also important to find a support system. Surround yourself with people who can be understanding and provide comfort. Remember, we are made to connect and have loving relationships. . This could be a friend, family member, or even a therapist – whoever makes you feel most supported.
One way to begin the process of healing is to explore your own emotions surrounding betrayal by talking about the experience. Acknowledge how betrayal has impacted your life thus far and why it has caused fear in trusting others again. Talking out your betrayal experience can help you process emotions and gain clarity, while also providing an opportunity for healing. Additionally, having someone there that understands what you are going through can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation during this difficult time.
Finally, don’t be afraid to seek professional help – betrayal trauma can be difficult to process on your own, so talking to a mental health professional is a great way to ensure you get the help you need for healing.
Betrayal trauma does not have to define your life. Take the time for self-reflection and practice self-care.
With the right tools and support systems, healing from betrayal trauma can be achieved.