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According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), in mental health, one of the more common comorbidities is that of depression and anxiety Some estimates show that 60% of those with anxiety will also have symptoms of depression, and the numbers are similar for those with depression also experiencing anxiety.


Trauma, Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety is a common morbidity in mental health, meaning that individuals are often diagnosed with both conditions at the same time. There are a few reasons for this, but one of the most important reasons is that both anxiety and depression are often trauma reactions. People who experience trauma, whether it’s childhood trauma or trauma in adulthood, often present with increased hypervigilance, anxiety, depression, emotional numbing, poor nervous system regulation, need to control, irritability, etc. The connection also exists because experiencing long-term anxiety is incredibly difficult and can often lead to someone becoming depressed if the symptoms are not managed.


Attachment Theory, Anxiety and Depression

Another connection between anxiety and depression is that sometimes they can both be a result of more subtle,  attachment wounds. If from the very beginning you haven’t experienced the warmth of securely knowing you are safe and the world is safe, then the feeling of anxiety and depression is familiar to you. You may not cognitively remember this, yet have a body felt memory of this. ⁠If one is securely attached, it’s easier for them to regulate their feelings and stay connected to even distressing emotions such as fear, overwhelm, etc.

Anxiety and Depression Therapy Healing

Any type of trauma, big or small, such as childhood trauma, betrayal trauma, addiction trauma, relationship trauma, attachment trauma, etc, can and oftentimes will lead to anxiety and depression. However, just because you have experienced trauma in your life, it does not mean you have to deal with anxiety and depression forever. There are options for healing. If you are someone struggling with long-term anxiety and depression, do the best thing you can do for yourself and reach out to a mental health professional. There are many therapy modalities that can work for you in processing trauma and overcoming anxiety and depression, such as attachment therapy, attachment-focused EMDR, EMDR, polyvagal theory therapy, the list goes on. Even if you have to try more than one modality, or more than one therapist, please do not be discouraged. Healing takes time, but it is definitely possible. You deserve a life that is filled with hope, happiness, and compassion. Reach out to a therapist in your area today.    
